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From my collectors...


Blue Destiny


Maria, I want to thank you for bringing my home so much peace and joy through your painting. Although I have known you for some time, it is through your art that I came to really meet you. I have a new appreciation for the way you touch souls- in so many ways- and heal many through your art. I fell in love with a little study that you did, and I commissioned a larger painting on the same subject. I remember being a little nervous on the way to pick it up- would I like it? Would I say the wrong thing? When I saw Blue Destiny, I burst into tears. I have no doubt that my son David (who passed in 2017) had partnered with you in creating a painting that causes visitors to my home to gasp as they stop in front of it. It has a place of honor over the fireplace. During that time, you went through your year of intensive training, and the depth and beauty of your painting increased. I have a love for trees, and for paths or steps, and you began a series on- you guessed it- steps and trees. So, I invited a total of three of your paintings in my home- within a six month period in 2019. They make me smile and bring me an enormous peace. It’s that peace- that ability your art has to change hearts- that sets you apart from many painters. You may laugh to know that your Blue Destiny usurped the place of honor in my home that was previously held by a Mary Cassatt print from the early 1900s. The second and third paintings I added to my Maria Davis collection are Destination Unknown and Beautiful Journey. I love that all the titles are about travel and a hope for the future. As my life is changing, the Davis paintings that adorn my walls tell me my future is bright, and I do not walk alone. I am pleased and proud to be a Maria Davis collector, and to watch your spirit and your gift grow and grow. Thank you so much. Much love to you!

Claudia M., Mesa AZ

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